The skills, knowledge, and behaviours we are looking for will vary from role to role but here are some tips which you may find useful when applying and interviewing for our vacancies.

Applying for a role

Taking time to thoroughly read the application pack, in particular our person specification, will help you to identify how your skills, knowledge, and behaviours fit with what we need.

With your understanding of the role, tailor your application to reflect our requirements. Let us know what skills and experience you have that make you the best candidate for the vacancy.

As well as your own proofing, why not get someone to read your application before you submit it, checking for any typos or anything that you might have missed?

If you are asked to submit a CV for a role, keep your CV clean, clear, and concise. A good CV doesn’t have to be longer than two sides of A4. Tailor it to the role for which you are applying. And, check and check again.

If you are submitting a cover letter, use it as an opportunity to pull out and summarise your key skills, knowledge, experience, and behaviours which most align with the requirements of the role.

Interviewing for your role

Ahead of the interview, do your research. Find out about the organisation and think about the questions you might be asked – and what points you want to get across about yourself. Practice your answers.

In many interviews, the interviewer will ask you what questions you might have. Taking some time to think about these ahead of time means you won’t miss this opportunity.

Ensure you feel as calm and ready as possible. Think ahead about your journey, plan your route, make sure you get time to eat beforehand. Think about any techniques you might use to keep yourself calm.

Think about your body language in the interview. Make eye contact and smile.

The main thing is to be authentic: the interviewers want to find out about you.

Always be open in the questions you answer. If there is a question you don’t have the answer to, be up front about that fact.

Interviews are a fantastic opportunity to find out more about an organisation, a role, and to see how you might fit in. They also provide you with experience – and on its own merit, making it to interview stage is a huge achievement.